French Class


  • 20 classes (50 min).
  • Adults.
  • A1/A2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express



  • A native French tutor to help you reach A1 and A2 proficiency levels.
  • To reach A1/A2 levels in French, adults need to cover a range of topics essential for basic communication. This includes learning;
    • Foundational Elements: Focus on mastering French sounds, intonation, and pronunciation for clear communication.
    • Vocabulary Expansion: Learn words related to personal information, greetings, daily routines, family, hobbies, and common activities. Adults will also learn numbers, time, days of the week, months, seasons, directions, and essential phrases for ordering food or seeking directions.
    • Grammar Basics: Cover fundamental grammar concepts such as sentence structure, personal pronouns, verb conjugation in present, compound past, and future tenses, along with constructing simple sentences (positive, negative, and questions).
    • Listening and Reading Practice: Engage with listening and reading materials to enhance comprehension skills. Practice speaking and writing to reinforce language acquisition and fluency.

Objectives of our french tutor:

    • Speaking: Guiding adults to articulate different facets of their daily lives, spanning home, workplace, or involvement in activities like sports, music, or technology.
    • Writing: Cultivating adults’ skills to compose uncomplicated French sentences through written assignments and exercises.
    • Comprehension: Assisting adults in honing their understanding by engaging with brief texts, listening to audio resources, or watching French films.
    • Reading: Strengthening adults’ inherent reading skills by demonstrating the language’s cadence, accentuating correct pronunciation, introducing fresh vocabulary, and delving into grammatical structures within texts.

Goal pursued by our french tutor:

  • Assisting adults in achieving proficiency levels A1 and A2 in French.
  • Typically, attaining A1 proficiency necessitates approximately 60 to 100 hours of coursework.
  • Reaching A2 proficiency may require between 100 to 200 hours, contingent upon the individual’s commitment.

teaching materials provided by our french tutor:

  • After each course, each adult will receive an email with the content of the class. This email can include different teaching materials: Google Slides, PDFs, drawings, illustrations, videos, movies, audio files, online forms, etc.

A1 & A2 SKILLS to develop with our french tutor:

  • Enhancing lexical proficiency.
  • Acquiring fundamental grammatical principles.
  • Articulating thoughts verbally on typical topics.
  • Developing the capacity to write about familiar subjects.
  • Comprehending everyday topics through listening and reading.

Requirements in terms of teaching by our french tutor:

A1 & A2 requirements:

Attaining A1 and A2 proficiency levels in French as a second language for adults typically prioritizes fundamental communication abilities, vocabulary expansion, and comprehension of elementary grammar concepts.


At the A1 level, adults are expected to comprehend and react to simple and familiar expressions concerning personal details, daily activities, and immediate environment. This encompasses basic inquiries, instructions, and announcements presented at a slow and clear pace.

Advancing to the A2 level, adults should grasp straightforward sentences and commonly used expressions pertaining to areas of immediate importance, such as family, occupation, or personal hobbies. They should also have the capacity to follow concise, uncomplicated texts and grasp the primary ideas conveyed in everyday dialogues.


At the A1 level, adults are expected to engage in basic conversations by introducing themselves, exchanging greetings, and posing and responding to simple questions about personal information, interests, and daily routines. Their communication should consist of short, rehearsed phrases and expressions.

Upon reaching the A2 level, adults should demonstrate the ability to engage in more extended discussions on familiar subjects, expressing opinions and recounting experiences. They should also be capable of narrating simple stories and providing reasons and explanations for their viewpoints.


At the A1 level, adults are expected to comprehend straightforward, familiar texts like signs, posters, and brief messages.
They should be able to recognize specific details such as names, numbers, and basic vocabulary within these texts.

Upon reaching the A2 level, adults should demonstrate the ability to read short, uncomplicated texts on topics they are familiar with, understanding the main ideas and pertinent information. They should also be capable of discerning the purpose and intent of the text, such as identifying key details in advertisements, emails, or simple news articles.


At the A1 level, adults are expected to demonstrate the ability to compose concise, straightforward texts like personal messages, notes, or basic forms containing personal information. They should be capable of crafting elementary sentences and expressions related to familiar subjects, employing common vocabulary and uncomplicated grammatical constructions.

Upon reaching the A2 level, adults should demonstrate proficiency in drafting brief paragraphs and simple messages, such as emails, postcards, or diary entries. Additionally, they should be able to articulate opinions, offer explanations, and convey essential information in written form.

benefits FOR ADULTS to reach A1 & A2 LEVELS IN FRENCH:

Embarking on the journey of learning French offers adults a plethora of opportunities for personal, academic, and professional growth.
Engaging in targeted French courses enables adults to accelerate their language acquisition and attain proficiency levels of A1 and A2.
Consequently, this comprehensive guide explores the myriad benefits of learning French for adults, ranging from laying a strong linguistic foundation to accessing academic and professional opportunities, fostering cultural appreciation, and embracing global citizenship.


At the outset, enrolling adults in French courses lays the groundwork for establishing a solid linguistic foundation.
Additionally, with the guidance of a French native tutor in online French classes, adults can efficiently acquire crucial language skills.
Moreover, with targeted instruction, they can swiftly navigate the complexities of French, progressing rapidly to achieve proficiency levels of A1 and A2.

improving cognitive function:

Moreover, research indicates that being bilingual enhances cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, memory retention, and multitasking.
Thus, mastering French at A1 and A2 levels stimulates cognitive function and promotes overall mental well-being.

Enhanced Communication Skills:

Furthermore, achieving proficiency in A1 and A2 levels of French empowers adults to engage confidently in a range of daily scenarios, including travel, social interactions, and professional engagements within French-speaking contexts.


Moreover, competence in French broadens adults’ access to a plethora of educational materials, such as French literature, scholarly articles, and online courses. Beyond reaching A1 and A2 levels, individuals can extend their language learning endeavors, delving into advanced studies or pursuing career advancement opportunities in French.

Preparation for Language Certification:

As a result, reaching A1 and A2 proficiency in French paves the way for adults to pursue higher levels of language certification, including B1, B2, and beyond. This achievement empowers individuals to set ambitious language learning objectives and strive towards attaining globally recognized language certifications.

EXPANDING career Opportunities:

Certainly, mastery of French unlocks various career opportunities, particularly in sectors like tourism, hospitality, international commerce, and diplomacy. Employers often prioritize bilingual individuals, especially those proficient in French, recognizing the value of linguistic diversity in the workforce.

networking and social connections:

Similarly, conversing in French creates networking avenues and strengthens social bonds with both native French speakers and fellow language enthusiasts. Additionally, adults can engage in French-speaking communities, language exchange initiatives, and cultural gatherings, broadening their social networks and forging valuable connections.

Personal Growth:

Moreover, achieving proficiency in A1 and A2 levels of French brings a sense of achievement and enhances self-assurance among adults.
As a result, adults experience the gratification of reaching language milestones and become more confident when interacting in French-speaking contexts.

Cultural appreciation:

In addition, acquiring proficiency in French nurtures a heightened cultural sensitivity and instills a profound respect for Francophone cultures among adults. Consequently, when immersed in the language, literature, and arts during their coursework, adults gain profound insights into diverse cultural perspectives, traditions, and customs. This immersive exposure fosters empathy, promotes tolerance, and instills a genuine appreciation for cultural diversity.

personal development:

Moreover, engaging in French courses fosters personal evolution and advancement among adults. Beyond linguistic mastery, achieving fluency in French nurtures qualities such as perseverance, resilience, and adaptability. Additionally, these attributes serve as crucial assets in surmounting challenges and pursuing personal ambitions.


Furthermore, proficiency in French enriches travel experiences, enabling adults to interact with locals, utilize public transportation, and fully engage in French-speaking destinations. Exploring French-speaking countries becomes more immersive and culturally rewarding with a command of the language.

Global Opportunities:

Finally, achieving proficiency levels A1 and A2 in French cultivates a sense of global citizenship and prepares adults to thrive in an interconnected world. To conclude, mastering French empowers adults with language skills and cultural sensitivity necessary for active participation in diverse communities, contributing to global discussions, and embracing their roles as citizens of the world.

class organization with our french tutor: