French writing: Children


  • 20 classes (50 min).
  • 6-12 years old.
  • A2/B1/B2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express


FRENCH writing class (dictation):

Why should you learn writing in French?

Good language acquisition:

Teaching French writing through dictation offers numerous benefits that contribute to comprehensive language acquisition.
Dictation serves as a valuable tool for enhancing listening, comprehension, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary skills simultaneously.
By listening to spoken French and transcribing it accurately, learners sharpen their listening skills and train their ears to recognize different accents, intonations, and speech patterns. This process also fosters improved comprehension as learners must understand the context and meaning of the spoken words in order to transcribe them correctly.

french writing to reinforcE skills in grammar:

Moreover, dictation exercises provide an effective method for practicing spelling and grammar in a contextualized manner.
As learners listen to sentences or passages and write them down, they reinforce their understanding of French spelling rules, punctuation, verb conjugations, and sentence structures. This hands-on approach allows learners to identify and correct common spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and syntactical issues, thereby enhancing their writing proficiency.

french writing to expand vocabulary:

Additionally, dictation exercises are an excellent way to expand learners’ vocabulary repertoire. Through exposure to diverse vocabulary in context, learners acquire new words and expressions, improve their word recognition skills, and learn how to use them correctly in sentences.
Dictation also encourages learners to pay attention to word endings, accents, and pronunciation, which are crucial aspects of mastering French vocabulary.

french writing to pay more attention to detail and concentration:

Furthermore, dictation fosters attention to detail and concentration, as learners must maintain focus throughout the exercise to accurately transcribe the spoken words. This helps improve overall cognitive skills such as memory retention, concentration, and attention span.

engaging multiple language skills:

In summary, teaching how to write in French through dictation offers a holistic approach to language learning that engages multiple language skills simultaneously. By incorporating dictation exercises into French instruction, our French tutors provides learners with valuable opportunities to practice listening, comprehension, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary in an integrated and dynamic manner, ultimately leading to enhanced writing proficiency and overall language proficiency.


Both the student and the French tutor have access to the same online document, allowing both to write. The tutor reads the text word by word in French (and recalls the English translation to help memorization of the French word), emphasizing correct pronunciation and distinguishing each syllable to facilitate the students’ writing. When students incorrectly write a word, the French tutor stops them, repeats the word, and provides hints for the sounds. This method is effective as it interrupts the students’ writing at each word, engaging them in discussion to aid memorization.
While writing, the French tutor directs the students’ attention to specific grammar structures and explains them.
For students, the most effective method for learning writing is to repeat the word pronounced by the French native tutor, enabling them to distinguish all syllables clearly, thereby improving pronunciation. All dictations are tailored to the students’ level, needs, and comprehension capacity, with topics adapted accordingly.

Organization of our french writing class:

Take this class, and soon, you’ll master French writing like a champion!

For more information about the official requirements to write in French, you can visit this page:
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: