Writing in French: Children


  • 10 classes (50 min).
  • 6-12 years old.
  • A2/B1/B2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express


FRENCH writing class (dictation):

benEfits to learn writing in French?

Effective language learning:

Instructing French writing via dictation provides a multitude of advantages that enrich overall language learning.
Dictation acts as a valuable asset in improving listening, understanding, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary proficiency concurrently.
By attentively listening to spoken French and accurately transcribing it, learners refine their listening abilities and develop an ear for diverse accents, intonations, and speech nuances. This practice also enhances comprehension as learners must grasp the context and significance of spoken words to transcribe them accurately.

french writing to strengthen skills in grammar:

Furthermore, dictation activities offer a practical approach to honing spelling and grammar skills within a meaningful context.
As students listen to sentences or passages and transcribe them, they solidify their grasp of French spelling conventions, punctuation rules, verb conjugations, and sentence formations. This interactive method enables learners to recognize and rectify typical spelling errors, grammatical inaccuracies, and syntactic challenges, ultimately refining their writing competence.

french writing to broaden vocabulary:

Moreover, dictation tasks serve as a valuable method for enriching learners’ lexicon. By encountering a wide range of vocabulary within context, learners assimilate new terms and idiomatic expressions, enhance their ability to identify words, and grasp their appropriate usage in sentences. Dictation prompts learners to focus on word endings, accents, and pronunciation nuances, essential elements for mastering French vocabulary.

French writing to enhance focus and attention to detail:

Moreover, dictation cultivates a sense of meticulousness and concentration, demanding learners to sustain attentiveness throughout the task to precisely transcribe the spoken content. This practice enhances broader cognitive abilities, including memory retention, concentration, and attention span.

stimulating various language abilities:

In summary, teaching French writing through dictation provides a comprehensive language learning experience, engaging various language skills at once. By integrating dictation exercises into French lessons, our tutors offer learners the chance to practice listening, comprehension, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary in a cohesive and dynamic way. This holistic approach results in improved writing proficiency and overall language skills.

method used for the class

Both the learner and the French instructor can access the same online document for writing. The tutor reads the text aloud, emphasizing correct pronunciation and breaking down each syllable for easier writing. If students make errors, the tutor stops them, repeats the word, and offers sound hints. This approach interrupts the writing process for discussion, aiding memorization. During writing, the tutor highlights specific grammar structures and provides explanations. Students find it beneficial to repeat words pronounced by the tutor, improving pronunciation by discerning syllables clearly. Dictations are customized to each student’s level, needs, and comprehension, with topics adjusted accordingly.

Organization of our french writing class:

Enroll in this class, and you’ll soon excel in French writing like a pro!

For more information about the official requirements to write in French, you can visit this page:
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: