Write in French: Teens


  • 10 classes (50 min).
  • 12-18 years old.
  • A1/A2/B1/B2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express


write in french (dictation):

Unlocking Language Skills: The Importance of Dictation to write in french:

Dictations to learn how to write in French offer a comprehensive approach to language learning, particularly beneficial for adolescent learners.

Enhanced Listening Skills:

Through dictation exercises, adolescents sharpen their listening abilities by transcribing spoken French accurately.
This process trains their ears to recognize different accents, intonations, and speech patterns, contributing to improved comprehension.

Improved Spelling and Grammar:

Dictation serves as an effective method for practicing spelling and grammar in context.
As adolescents listen to sentences or passages and write them down, they reinforce their understanding of French spelling rules, punctuation, verb conjugations, and sentence structures.

Vocabulary Expansion when you write in french:

Exposure to diverse vocabulary in context helps adolescents acquire new words and expressions.
Dictation exercises encourage learners to pay attention to word endings, accents, and pronunciation, crucial aspects of mastering French vocabulary.

Attention to Detail and Concentration:

Dictation fosters attention to detail and concentration as adolescents must maintain focus throughout the exercise to transcribe the spoken words accurately. This improves overall cognitive skills such as memory retention, concentration, and attention span.

Contextual Learning:

By listening to spoken French and transcribing it accurately, learners understand the context and meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. This contextual learning approach reinforces language acquisition and deepens comprehension.

how to reach Proficiency when you write in french:

Dictation helps adolescents identify and correct common spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and syntactical issues, thereby enhancing their writing proficiency. It provides practical application of grammar rules and sentence structures in real-life contexts.

Building Confidence:

As adolescents successfully transcribe spoken French and see improvements in their language skills, their confidence in writing and speaking grows. Dictation provides a structured framework for language practice, instilling a sense of achievement and motivation to continue learning.

Integration of Language Skills:

Dictation integrates multiple language skills, including listening, comprehension, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and writing.
This approach to language learning ensures a well-rounded development of language proficiency for adolescent learners.

In summary, dictations to learn how to write in French offer adolescent learners valuable opportunities to enhance their language skills in a structured and dynamic manner. By incorporating dictation exercises into their language learning routine, adolescents can improve listening, comprehension, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and writing proficiency, ultimately advancing their overall language proficiency in French.

our method to learn how to write in French:

Both the student and the French instructor have access to a shared online document for writing tasks.
The instructor reads the text aloud, focusing on accurate pronunciation and breaking down each syllable for improved writing clarity.
Students benefit from repeating words pronounced by the instructor, enhancing pronunciation and syllable recognition.
In case of errors, the instructor intervenes, repeats the word, and provides phonetic cues to assist.
This method pauses the writing process for discussion, aiding in retention.
Throughout the writing session, the instructor highlights specific grammar points and offers explanations as needed.
Dictations are tailored to individual student levels, needs, and comprehension, with topics adjusted accordingly.

SUBSCRIBE TO this class to learn how to write in french!

For more information about the official requirements to write in French, you can visit this page:
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

You can also discover our other French classes for adolescents here: https://en.speakee.fr/online-french-tutor-for-adolescents-meet-virginia-speakee/.