French Creative Writing: Teens


  • 10 classes (50 min).
  • 12-18 years old.
  • A2/B1/B2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express


french Creative writing class:

Interest in Creative Writing : Unlocking Adolescent Potential:

Our French Creative Writing class offers a comprehensive approach to language learning, particularly beneficial for adolescent learners.

Exploring Language Nuances:

First, through creative writing, adolescents delve into the intricacies of the French language, exploring nuances in vocabulary, syntax, and style. As they experiment with different words, phrases, and expressions, students expand their linguistic repertoire and develop a deeper understanding of linguistic subtleties.

Enhancing Descriptive Skills:

Writing creatively in French challenges adolescents to paint vivid pictures with words, sharpening their descriptive skills. Consequently, crafting detailed descriptions of characters, settings, and emotions, students learn to evoke sensory imagery and create immersive literary worlds.

Fostering Imagination and Creativity:

Moreover, engaging in a Creative Writing Class encourages adolescents to tap into their imagination, allowing them to explore new ideas, concepts, and scenarios. Through the creation of characters, settings, and plots, students expand their imaginative horizons and develop a deeper appreciation for storytelling.

Honing Storytelling Abilities:

In addition, creative writing in French provides adolescents with a platform to hone their storytelling skills.
Therefore, by crafting narratives, students learn to structure their ideas coherently, develop compelling plots, and create engaging characters. Indeed, this process fosters the ability to captivate an audience and convey messages effectively through storytelling.

Encouraging Self-Expression:

Additionally, Creative Writing in French offers adolescents a means of self-expression, allowing them to articulate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a creative and personal manner. As a result, by expressing themselves through writing, students develop a stronger sense of identity and gain confidence in their ability to communicate effectively.

Promoting Critical Thinking:

Moreover, engaging in creative writing fosters critical thinking skills as adolescents analyze, evaluate, and revise their work. In fact, through the process of drafting, editing, and revising, students learn to evaluate their ideas critically, identify strengths and weaknesses in their writing, and make informed decisions to improve their work.

Boosting Confidence in Written Communication:

As adolescents develop their creative writing skills in French, they gain confidence in their ability to express themselves effectively through the written word. By receiving feedback and showcasing their work, students can  develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments.

In conclusion, creative writing in French offers adolescents a dynamic avenue for self-expression, imagination, and language development. By fostering creativity, honing storytelling abilities, and exploring language nuances, students not only enhance their writing proficiency but also cultivate essential skills such as critical thinking and self-confidence. Through creative writing, adolescents embark on a transformative journey of exploration and self-discovery, unlocking their potential as both writers and communicators in the French language.

our method for creative writing in French:

One effective method used by our French Native Tutor to encourage Creative Writing in French with adolescents involves structured brainstorming sessions. In this approach, the French tutor begins by presenting a writing prompt or theme to the students.
Then, through guided discussions and exercises, students brainstorm ideas, characters, settings, and plot-lines related to the given prompt. The tutor encourages students to think creatively and freely, fostering a supportive and non-judgmental environment where ideas can flow uninhibitedly.

Once students have generated sufficient ideas, they proceed to outline their stories or essays, organizing their thoughts and developing a cohesive structure. Throughout the process, the tutor provides constructive feedback, helping students refine their ideas, improve their writing style, and strengthen their language skills.
Finally, the tutor encourages students to revise and edit their drafts, emphasizing the importance of clarity, coherence, good spelling and grammar, and creativity in their writing. By following this method, our French tutor empowers adolescents to express themselves creatively in French, while also developing essential writing skills that will benefit them in their academic and personal pursuits.

Unleash Your Imagination & ideas! Join Our Creative Writing class in french!

For more information about the official requirements to write in French, you can visit this page:
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

You can also discover our other French classes for adolescents here:

You can finally discover our classes to prepare French certification: