French grammar: Children


  • 10 classes (50 min).
  • 6-12 years old.
  • A1/A2/B1/B2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express


FRENCH grammar class:

Learning French grammar is a crucial aspect of mastering the language and achieving proficiency in both written and spoken communication. Structured grammar rules serve as the backbone of the French language, providing learners with the framework necessary to construct coherent sentences and effectively convey their thoughts and ideas.
Grammar, and especially the conjugation of verbs is often considered as a difficult step to overcome in French.
Therefore, it’s very important to strengthen skills in grammar with adapted exercises and practice. Additionally, a crucial point is to learn French grammar structures compared to English grammar structures, so that learners can identify very well the similarities and differences.

Foundation of Communication:

At the core of grammar lies its role in facilitating effective communication. Understanding grammar rules enables learners to form sentences correctly, ensuring clarity and coherence in their speech and writing. Mastery of grammar allows learners to express themselves accurately and precisely, making it an essential skill for effective communication in both formal and informal settings.

Building Blocks of Language:

Grammar serves as the building blocks upon which the language is constructed. From basic sentence structure to complex verb conjugations, each grammar rule contributes to the formation of meaningful expressions. Learning these fundamental rules equips learners with the tools necessary to navigate various linguistic contexts and construct grammatically correct sentences.

Enhanced Comprehension:

Proficiency in grammar enhances learners’ comprehension skills, allowing them to understand written and spoken French more effectively. By grasping grammar concepts such as verb tenses, noun-adjective agreement, and sentence construction, learners can decipher the meaning of texts and conversations with greater ease. This deeper understanding fosters language acquisition and enables learners to engage more fully with French literature, media, and culture.

Accuracy and Precision:

Correct usage of grammar ensures accuracy and precision in language production. Whether writing texts, presentations, or engaging in everyday conversations, adhering to grammar rules enables learners to convey their intended message clearly and effectively. By mastering grammar, learners can avoid common errors and pitfalls that may hinder comprehension and communication.

Cultural Appreciation:

Learning grammar is not just about mastering rules; it also provides insights into French culture and society. Many aspects of grammar are intricately linked to cultural norms, customs, and values. For example, understanding the use of formal and informal language (tu vs. vous) reflects broader cultural attitudes towards hierarchy and respect. By delving into grammar, learners gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural nuances embedded within the language.

How to overcome the difficulties of French grammar?

Grammar presents several challenges for learners, ranging from complex verb conjugations to nuanced grammatical structures. Here’s an overview of the main difficulties in grammar:

Verb Conjugations:

One of the most formidable aspects of grammar is the extensive system of verb conjugations. French verbs are inflected to agree with the subject, tense, mood, and voice, resulting in a myriad of conjugated forms. Irregular verbs further complicate matters, as they do not follow regular patterns and must be memorized individually. Also, the sequence of tense is a very crucial point in grammar that learners need to master.

Gender and Agreement:

French nouns and adjectives must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural), adding an extra layer of complexity to sentence construction. Learning the rules of agreement and mastering the correct forms can be challenging for learners, particularly when dealing with irregular or unpredictable nouns and adjectives.


French pronouns exhibit intricate patterns of usage and placement, which can be confusing for learners. The use of subject pronouns, object pronouns, reflexive pronouns, and possessive pronouns varies depending on the grammatical context, requiring learners to grasp the nuances of pronoun usage through practice and repetition.

Word Order:

Unlike English, French often employs a different word order in sentences, particularly in questions and negative constructions. Understanding when to invert subject and verb, place adjectives before or after nouns, and position adverbs correctly can be challenging for learners accustomed to English sentence structure.

Verb Tenses and Moods:

French boasts a wide array of verb tenses and moods, each serving distinct purposes in expressing actions, attitudes, and states of being. Mastering the appropriate use of tenses (such as the compound past, imperfect, conditional and subjunctive tenses) requires careful study and practice, as well as an understanding of the contexts in which they are employed.

Idiomatic Expressions:

French is replete with idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs that may not directly translate into English. Learning these expressions and understanding their figurative meanings adds depth and richness to language proficiency but can pose challenges for learners unfamiliar with French idioms.

method used for the class:

This class in terms of grammar practice is adapted to the learner’s level.
Practicing grammar effectively involves a combination of structured study, interactive exercises, and immersive experiences. Regular grammar drills and exercises help reinforce understanding and retention of grammatical structures. Additionally, engaging in interactive activities such as quizzes, games, and role-playing scenarios can make grammar practice more enjoyable and engaging. It is also beneficial to apply grammar concepts in context by reading French texts, listening to French podcasts or music, and watching French films or TV shows. Immersion in the language exposes learners to authentic usage and helps internalize grammar rules naturally. Moreover, practicing writing in French, whether through writing texts or composing emails, allows learners to apply grammar rules actively and receive feedback on their usage. Finally, consistent practice and perseverance are key to mastering grammar, so setting aside dedicated time for regular practice and maintaining motivation are essential components of the learning process.

participate in this class, and you’ll soon excel in grammar!

For more information about the official requirements in terms of grammar, you can visit this page:
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

You can also discover our other French classes here:

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