French grammar: Teens


  • 10 classes (50 min).
  • 12-18 years old.
  • From A1 to C2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express


FRENCH grammar class:

To learn French grammar is a process. This course typically spans from beginner to advanced levels, encompassing various themes and topics tailored to each stage of proficiency. Here’s an overview of the progression and key themes covered in each level:

Beginner & elementary Level (A1-A2): Learn french grammar foundations.

At the beginner level, learners are introduced to the fundamental concepts to learn French grammar. The focus is on basic vocabulary, sentence structure, and verb conjugation in the present tense. Learners learn essential grammar rules such as gender, articles, singular and plural forms, basic prepositions, nouns, verbs conjugated in the present tense, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, and simple sentences. Learners will also learn the compound past and future tenses, as well as positive and negative sentences and positive or negative questions…

Intermediate Level (B1-B2): improve french grammar skills.

At the intermediate level, learners build upon their foundational knowledge to develop greater fluency and accuracy to learn French grammar. They study more advanced grammar concepts such as verb tenses: imparfait, plus que parfait, simple past, conditional tenses), agreements, relative pronouns, the subjunctive mood, indirect speech, relative pronouns…

Advanced Level (C1-C2): strengthen french grammar skills.

In advanced French grammar courses, learners refine their language skills to near-native proficiency. They explore complex grammar structures, idiomatic expressions, and nuanced vocabulary. Themes vary widely and may include politics, philosophy, art, science, and technology. Learners engage in sophisticated discussions, write essays, analyze literary texts, and present arguments persuasively. The focus is on refining grammar nuances, stylistic precision, and cultural awareness.

Throughout each level, learners engage in a combination of exercises, drills, readings, discussions, and writing assignments to reinforce grammar concepts and language proficiency. The progression is designed to gradually challenge learners while providing ample opportunities for practice and consolidation. By the end of the course, learners should have acquired a solid understanding of French grammar and the ability to communicate effectively in various contexts.

How to LEARN French grammar?

Mastering French grammar is essential for achieving proficiency in the language, enabling effective communication through both writing and speaking. Grammar forms the structural foundation of French, providing learners with the necessary framework to construct coherent sentences and convey ideas accurately.
Many learners perceive grammar, especially verb conjugation, as a challenging aspect of French. Therefore, it is crucial to reinforce grammar skills through tailored exercises and consistent practice. Additionally, understanding the differences and similarities between French and English grammar structures is essential for learners to navigate the language effectively.


Grammar plays a pivotal role in facilitating clear and coherent communication. A solid grasp of grammar rules allows learners to construct sentences accurately, ensuring clarity and precision in their speech and writing. Mastery of grammar enables learners to express themselves effectively in various contexts, both formal and informal.

BUILDING BLOCKS OF LANGUAGE to learn french grammar:

Grammar serves as the foundational elements upon which the French language is constructed. From basic sentence structure to intricate verb conjugations, each grammar rule contributes to the formation of meaningful expressions. Learning these fundamental rules equips learners with the necessary tools to navigate different linguistic situations and construct grammatically correct sentences.


Proficiency in grammar enhances learners’ comprehension skills, enabling them to understand written and spoken French more effectively. By grasping concepts such as verb tenses, agreement between nouns and adjectives, and sentence construction, learners can decipher the meaning of texts and conversations with greater ease. This deeper comprehension fosters language acquisition and allows learners to engage more fully with French literature, media, and culture.


Correct application of grammar ensures accuracy and precision in language usage. Whether writing texts, delivering presentations, or engaging in conversations, adhering to grammar rules enables learners to convey their intended message clearly and effectively.
Mastery of grammar helps learners avoid common errors and pitfalls that may hinder comprehension and communication.


Beyond mastering rules, learning grammar offers insights into French culture and society. Many aspects of grammar are intertwined with cultural norms, customs, and values. For instance, understanding the use of formal and informal language reflects broader cultural attitudes towards hierarchy and respect. By delving into grammar, learners gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the cultural nuances embedded within the language.

method to learn french grammar:

This grammar class is tailored to the learner’s proficiency level, ensuring effective practice according to their needs. Effective grammar practice encompasses a blend of structured study, interactive exercises, and immersive experiences. Regular drills and exercises reinforce comprehension and retention of grammatical structures. Interactive activities like quizzes, games, and role-playing enhance engagement and enjoyment during practice sessions. Applying grammar concepts within context through reading, listening, and watching French media exposes learners to authentic usage and aids in internalizing rules naturally. Writing in French, whether composing texts or emails, enables learners to actively apply grammar rules and receive feedback on their usage. Consistent practice and perseverance are crucial for mastering grammar, necessitating dedicated time and sustained motivation throughout the learning journey.

participate in this class to bring your french GRAMMAR skills to the next level!

For more information about the official requirements in terms of grammar, you can visit this page:
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

You can also discover our other French classes here: