Read in French: Children


  • 10 classes (50 min).
  • 6-12 years old.
  • A1/A2/B1/B2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express


class: read in french and speak:

When you read in French, it offers invaluable opportunities for language acquisition and personal enrichment.
Below, we will explore the myriad benefits of incorporating reading into your French language learning journey, from improving pronunciation and expanding vocabulary to honing writing skills and mastering grammar.

Better Pronunciation:

When reading in French, you immerse yourself in the language’s phonetic nuances, aiding in the development of accurate pronunciation. By reading aloud, you practice articulating French sounds, ultimately improving your accent and intonation.

Better Memorization of Vocabulary:

Through exposure to words in context, reading in French facilitates the memorization of vocabulary.
You encounter new words within sentences and paragraphs, strengthening memory retention and enhancing your ability to recall and use vocabulary in conversation.

Better Writing:

Engaging with written texts in French exposes you to diverse sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and stylistic conventions.
As you read in French, you internalize these language patterns, leading to more articulate and compelling writing skills.

Better Identification and Usage of Grammar Rules:

When you read in French, you identify and apply grammar rules more effectively. By encountering grammatical structures within context, you develop a deeper understanding of French grammar, including verb conjugations, noun-adjective agreements, and sentence constructions.

Better Speaking:

Ultimately, reading in French directly contributes to better speaking abilities. In addition, as you engage with written texts, you internalize language patterns and become more familiar with French syntax and vocabulary. This enhanced linguistic awareness translates to more confident and fluent spoken communication.

In conclusion, the benefits of reading in French are multifaceted, encompassing improvements in pronunciation, vocabulary retention, writing proficiency, grammar mastery, and speaking skills. By incorporating regular practice of reading in French into your language learning routine, you can accelerate your progress and achieve greater fluency.

method used for the class:

This class in terms of reading and speaking practice is adapted to the learner’s level.
The method employed by our French tutor to enhance reading in French typically involves a structured approach aimed at building comprehension, vocabulary, and pronunciation skills. Initially, the French tutor selects texts tailored to the student’s proficiency level, ensuring they are challenging yet accessible. During reading sessions, the French tutor encourages active engagement by prompting the student to articulate words aloud, focusing on correct pronunciation and intonation.

As the student progresses, the French tutor employs various comprehension strategies such as summarizing passages, identifying key information, and making connections between the text and personal experiences. Additionally, the French tutor facilitates discussions about the text, encouraging the student to express their thoughts, opinions, and interpretations in French.
Through this iterative process of reading, speaking, and comprehension, students not only improves their reading proficiency but also strengthens their speaking skills, as they articulate their understanding and engage in meaningful dialogue about the text.

class organization with our french tutor:

  • Class duration: 50 minutes.
  • Class on Google Meet.
  • Rescheduling / cancellation: At least 24 hours before the class.

Join this class, and you’ll quickly master the art of reading, comprehension, and speaking!

For more information about the official requirements in terms of reading and speaking, you can visit this page:
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

You can also discover our other French classes here:

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