
Teacher in French: Children


  • 20 classes (50 min).
  • 6-12 years old.
  • A1/A2 levels.
  • Stripe
  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express



  • A native teacher in French to assist your child in achieving A1 and A2 proficiency levels.
  • The course curriculum encompasses essential components such as:
    • Foundational French including sounds and pronunciation,
    • Vocabulary covering animals and nature, colors and basic adjectives, common objects and everyday activities, days of the week, food and drinks, greetings and expressions of politeness, months, numbers, personal information, places in the community, seasons, transportation and directions.
    • Grammar instruction focuses on fundamental structures like sentence formation, verb conjugation, adjective use, present tense of regular verbs and common irregular verbs, compound past tense, future tense, possessive adjectives, definite and indefinite articles, positive & negative sentences, positive & negative questions, etc.
    • Alongside language learning, emphasis is placed on enhancing writing, speaking, reading, and comprehension skills.
    • Children benefit from their natural ability to mimic sounds, enabling them to mimic French pronunciation akin to native speakers. This advantage facilitates their learning process significantly, paving the way for smoother language acquisition.

Objectives of our teacher in french:

    • Speaking: Assisting children in verbalizing aspects of daily life, whether at home, school, or engaging in activities like sports, music, or technology.
    • Writing: Fostering children’s ability to construct simple sentences in French through writing exercises.
    • Comprehension: Guiding children in honing their comprehension skills by reading short texts, listening to audio files, or watching French cartoons.
    • Reading: Reinforcing children’s innate reading abilities by demonstrating the musicality of the language, emphasizing proper pronunciation, introducing new vocabulary, and exploring grammar structures within texts.

Goal pursued by our teacher in french:

  • Assisting children in attaining proficiency levels A1 and A2 in French.
  • Achieving A1 proficiency typically requires between 60 and 150 hours of coursework.
  • Reaching A2 proficiency may require between 100 and 250 hours, depending on the child.
  • Due to the multitude of subjects children study in school and their highly stimulated brains, it’s common for them to forget previously learnt information. Consequently, many children require additional study hours and regular reviews to solidify their understanding.

teaching materials provided by our french tutor:

  • Following each class, your child will receive a comprehensive email detailing the class content. This email may include a variety of materials such as Google Slides, PDFs, drawings, illustrations, videos, cartoons, audio files, online forms, and more.

A1 & A2 SKILLS to develop with teacher in french:

  • Improving vocabulary skills.
  • Mastering essential grammar rules.
  • Expressing ideas verbally on common topics.
  • Cultivating the ability to write about familiar subjects.
  • Adequate comprehension skills in listening and reading everyday topics.

Requirements in terms of teaching by our teacher in french:

A1 & A2 requirements:

The criteria for A1 and A2 levels in French as a foreign language for children aged between 6 and 12 generally emphasize fundamental communication abilities, building vocabulary, and grasping elementary grammar concepts.


At the A1 level, children are expected to comprehend and respond to basic inquiries concerning familiar subjects such as personal details, family, interests, and everyday activities. Progressing to the A2 level, children should demonstrate the ability to comprehend and engage with a broader array of questions, encompassing descriptions of individuals, locations, and routines.


Additionally, children should introduce themselves, greet others, and engage in basic conversations using simple phrases. Also, they should describe simple pictures, comment on a cartoon, or tell a story. Children should participate in simple conversations on familiar topics. They should express likes and dislikes, and ask and answer questions about everyday activities and experiences.
These skills build confidence and proficiency in global communication for children.


Moreover, children should recognize and understand familiar words and short, simple texts. This includes signs, labels, and stories with illustrations. Basic vocabulary and familiar phrases are part of this comprehension.


At A1 level, children should write short, simple sentences and complete basic forms.
At A2 level, they should write short paragraphs and simple messages like emails or postcards.
These skills develop gradually, allowing children to express themselves more fluently.

Children have the advantage that after 1 to 2 years of learning, they can almost be educated similarly to French native children. They can do the same grammar exercises, read the same stories, and discuss the same topics. Additionally, they become capable of writing short stories. Children quickly absorb knowledge in French, laying a strong foundation for their future education and life.

benefits FOR CHILDREN to reach A1 & A2 levels in french:

Reaching A1 and A2 proficiency levels in French can be a significant achievement for children with numerous advantages.

Early Language Acquisition:

First, learning French at a young age enables children to naturally absorb the language, leveraging their innate ability to acquire new skills effortlessly. As a result, attaining A1 and A2 levels during childhood establishes the foundation for future language proficiency and fluency.

Cognitive Development:

Furthermore, language learning improves cognitive skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and memory retention. In addition, children develop important cognitive abilities by engaging with French vocabulary, grammar, and syntax at A1 and A2 levels.
In fact, these abilities contribute to their overall academic performance and intellectual growth.

Academic Success:

Additionally, studies indicate that bilingual children frequently surpass their monolingual counterparts academically. Indeed, mastering French at A1 and A2 levels equips children with robust language skills. Consequently, these abilities can enhance their performance across various subjects, including literacy, history, geography, mathematics, science, art, and music.

Enhanced Communication Skills:

As a result, achieving A1 and A2 proficiency in French provides children with fundamental communication skills. Undoubtedly, these skills are applicable in real-life scenarios, like ordering food at a French restaurant or asking for directions while traveling. Consequently, children feel confident communicating in various contexts, including forming friendships with French-speaking individuals.

Personal Growth:

Moreover, mastering French is a fulfilling adventure that nurtures personal development and self-assurance. As children advance through A1 and A2 levels, they cultivate resilience, persistence, and a feeling of accomplishment. This forms the basis for continuous learning and future success.

Cultural Awareness:

Undoubtedly, studying French introduces children to the vibrant culture of French-speaking nations. In language classes, they learn about French traditions, customs, and festivities, fostering an early appreciation and awareness of culture.

Global Opportunities:

Ultimately, fluency in French unlocks global opportunities in our interconnected world. Whether it involves traveling to French-speaking countries or pursuing international careers, children proficient at A1 and A2 levels gain a significant advantage.

class organization with our french tutor: